About me

Hello.  My name is Dave Earp.  I am a leader in
the church who is looking for a better way to
respond to the lgbt community then some of
what I have seen so far.  This way should
include mutual respect, compassion, and
reconciliation.   I was (am) following a call into
ministry when God laid this on my heart. My
ministry is pastoral, and missional, NOT
I believe (that) ....

  • God desires to have a relationship with every human being.

  • We are separated from God by something we Christians call sin.

  • Another way to say this is that all of us have fallen short of what
    God desires / requires of us.

  • Jesus Christ is God's answer to the separation problem.

  • Through believing and trusting in Jesus (with repenting / turning
    from the ways we have fallen short), the separation / sin problem
    is resolved because of what Jesus has done for us

  • Through believing in Jesus Christ we have a relationship with God
    and are adopted into God's family.

  • We come to Jesus Christ as we are and He accepts us as we are.

  • All who come to faith in Christ must also grow in Christ

  • How we grow in Christ and the agenda for that growth is in the
    hands of God.

  • All who are in Christ are both holy (set apart for God) and are
    being made holy.

  • God alone is judge (not us) and each of us will one day stand
    before Him.

For a closer look at holiness click

Denominational Disclaimer

I believe that what I have written on this website reflects the theology
and beliefs of my denomination.   However, homosexuality is a very
complex topic with varied viewpoints.  Since this is the case, it should
be understood that the views expressed by myself and other Christians
on this website and in our blog and / or forums (if we have them) may
not necessarily reflect the official position of my / their respective
denominations.  If you are curious about my denomination's statement
on homosexuality you can click
here for a summary view and further links
Coming Out for Christians
I am a Christian, married with three children.   My theology is
Wesleyan/Arminian.  Wesleyans are not Bible literalists but instead
employ scripture, tradition, reason, and experience also known as the
Wesleyan Quadrilateral.  For a deeper understanding of the Wesleyan
Quadrilateral click
here.   For those who are curious about my
denomination's Articles of Faith you can click
here.  If you are curious
about how God called me into this ministry and my personal views on
this click
here.  For some history on the Church of the Nazarene click
here.  The various menu links to the left provide contact information and
other information that you may find helpful.
Other Links
Note:  The pages
below are from an
earlier website of
mine and have a
different format
than this one.

Missional Church

LGBT Survey